Sonnenreigen (Lughnasad) by Faun

In der goldnen Morgenstund
Ziehen wir aus des Tales Grund
Und wir tanzen froh hinein
In den frühen Sonnenschein

Hoch hinauf auf Bergeshöhen
Um ins Auge Lughs zu sehen
Lasst uns feiern diese Zeit
Die der Sommer hält bereit

Du lässt deine Raben ziehen
In die Felder golden stehen
Und das helle lichte Rad
Dreht sich über Lughnasad

Es war nun ein ganzes Jahr
Seit ich dich beim Tanze sah
Allzu oft in langer Nacht
Habe ich an dich gedacht

König Sommer führt den Tanz
Dem ich folg im Blütenkranz
Und so dreht sich unser Kreis
In der alltbekannten Weis'

Du lässt deine Raben ziehen
In die Felder golden stehen
Und das helle lichte Rad
Dreht sich über Lughnasad

Bald schon wird das Rad sich drehen
Werden wilde Stürme wehen
Mit Rauhgesang der Winter nahen
So fängt der Kreis von vorne an

Kommt und folgt uns in dem Reigen
Wollen den großen Kreis beschreiben
Wenn die Felder golden stehen
Werden wir uns wiedersehen

Du lässt deine Raben ziehen
In die Felder golden stehen
Und das helle lichte Rad
Dreht sich über Lughnasad


In the golden morning hour
We move out of the valley
And we joyfully dance into
The early sunshine

We go high up the mountain peaks
To look into the eye of Lugh
Let's celebrate this age
That summer holds ready

You let your ravens go
When the fields turn to gold
And the bright wheel
Revolves around Lughnasadh

It's been a year ago
Since I saw you at the dance
Way too often in long nights
I have thought about you

King Summer leads the dance
I follow him in the blooming circle
And thus our vicious circle closes
To the well-known melody

You let your ravens go
When the fields turn to gold
And the bright wheel
Revolves around Lughnasadh

Soon the wheel will turn
Wild storms will blow
We approach winter with throaty singing
And so, the vicious circle starts all over again

Come and follow us in the dance
We want to make a large circle
When the fields turn to gold
We'll meet again

You let your ravens go
When the fields turn to gold
And the bright wheel
Revolves around Lughnasadh

gold, summer, ravens, Lugh, fields, wheel, dance, hour, valley, early, circle, celebrate, mountain, king, storms, eye, follow, wild

Reading 4

A brief summary.

  • contrast is shown through differences in comparison
  • figure-ground is a relationship between any kind of object (person, shape, even sound) and the background
  • color includes hue, saturation, and value
  • size consistency is making sense from apparent sizes and scales of objects we see, using comparison to familiar things or surroundings to calibrate our sense of space/distance
  • scale is proportions in space
  • proportional or in proportion means a thing has harmony in size in relation to other objects, but to proportion is to change size without cropping or altering height-to-width ratios, and proportions in general are consistent relationships among parts of a whole
  • proximity is how near, far, wherever you are
  • focus is visual emphasis or selective concentration on one point, shape, aspect, etc. while not really paying attention to the rest
  • layering fakes depth with overlap
  • symmetry are like visual twins, asymmetry is twins with an imbalance
  • closure completes visual or metaphorical circles so you read a full story/image from start to finish
  • continuity is apparent or imagined similarities across time and space
  • series is a collection of things that share something in common, while sequence is more a story of one thing through time
  • pattern is repetition with style
  • rhythm and pacing, appearance of movement and the speed or rate at which it seems to travel
  • motion is the process of changing position

Reading 6

A brief summary.
  • legibility is important for making people want to read things, not just for finding the meaning
  • denotation vs connotation: dictionary definition vs emotional/figurative connections
  • framing is added meaning based on where you crop the image
  • abstraction is essence without imitation
  • icons represent, indexes relates, symbols read
  • materiality includes visual, spatial, tactile, auditory, kinesthetic, etc. characteristics of form
  • substitution is selective replacement (visual puns)
  • metaphors are fun, visual metaphors moreso
  • appropriation is plagiarism
  • ambiguity plays with the information that is conveniently left out
  • cognitive dissonance is what happens when a visual conflict is presented